
Siemens: Socially Responsible Enterprise

Last March, Siemens received the recertification as a Socially Responsible Enterprise by the Philanthropy Mexican Center, this success was achieved thanks to the multiple programs that the Social Responsibility Committee are constantly developing.

The socially responsible company culture is a practice that more and more companies adopt as part of their daily work for needed communities though philanthropic activities, focused on respect for human rights, elimination of discrimination in all its forms, promotion of the development and diffusion of technologies that respect the environment, among others.

The companies that receive this distinctive are those that year by year renew its compromise with the community maintaining actual the social responsible culture.

This distinctive adds value and profitability to the company at the same time it recognizes as a voluntary organization and publicly committed with the social wellness inside and outside the enterprise with the different related groups such as employees, customers, investors and general community.