Did you know?

In 1866, Werner Von Siemens discovered the dynamo-electric principle, thereby laying the basis for the use of heavy -current technology.
The dynamo enables mechanical energy to be converted into electricity cost-effectively. By the end of the 18070s, the machine is improved to the point that nothing stands in the way of public and private electrification.
In 1847, Werner Von Siemens improves the pointer telegraph invented by the Englishman Charles Wheatstone by electrically synchronizing the transmitter and receiver. Thanks to this innovation , the apparatus- which was maden of cigar boxes, tin plate, pieces of iron and insulated copper wire - was vastly superior to previous equipment. It had a range of 50 km.
In 1872 - more than a decade before before state - run retirement and survivors' pensions are introduced - Siemens & Halske establised a pension fund that included benefits for employees, widows and orphans. In establishing this fund, Werner von Siemens was pursuing two aims: to foster the welfare of his employeesand to retain well-qualified workers at the company over the long term.