
Siemens Initiative for Energy Savings

Currently the planet is inhabited by more than 7 billion people. Population growth rate  has produced big amounts of waste and pollution which causes  serious environmental problems such as melting icecaps and endangered  species  as polar bears and penguins, among others.

Each of us hascontribute  direct or indirectly  to this problem but there are  simple actions we can implement in our homes to reduce this problem.

These actions are the basis of a Siemens  initiative that  save electrical energy consumption at home:

REPLACE incandescent bulbs-saving lamps.

TAKE the benefit of the natural light and paint the walls in light colors.
UNPLUG electric devices on standby.

TURN OFF the lights when you leave a room.

RECYCLE incandescent bulbs.

In this way we all contribute in a proactive way to  the planet care.